A baby or infant car seat can seem quite a complicated piece of equipment, simply because there are so many clips, harnesses, straps, belts, rods and other pieces of material attached to it. It may well be that the baby seat has a separate seat base to the actual seat itself, or it may be that it comes as one unit.
It may well be also that the baby seat is usable as a separate seat with which to carry the baby, and will have a separate carry handle as a result. It is important to understand the make up of the baby car seats both in terms of the seat itself and of the car seat base.
This is in order to install the car seat properly and make sure it is safely fitted, and also to make sure that the baby or infant is fitted securely and safely in the car seat.
If the infant or baby is not comfortable in the seat then it will be a constant source of discomfort and potential danger as the baby or infant will continually move around or disrupt the seat, potentially distracting the driver of the vehicle as well as rendering the baby seat unsafe in the event of a collision or accident.
There are a number of straps and clips associated with the car seat that if not fitted or use properly could potentially be dangerous or life-threatening to the baby or infant in their own right.
It is potentially possible for a baby or infant get caught up in an improperly used or fitted strap or clip which could cause pain or obstruct their breathing. To this extent it is important understand what the various straps and belts do and how and where they are meant to be fitted.
Used correctly and in the proper manner the infant or baby seat should provide a level of comfort and security to the baby that feels appropriate, and will mean they are not unusually restless whilst being carried in the vehicle.
It should also mean that in the event of an accident or incident the car seat reacts accordingly and will provide some measure of protection by way of keeping the baby as safe as possible.
The baby or infant seat will also advise any specific heights and weight limits that the seat is designed to be used for. These are important and need to be adhered to.
These are considerations that need to be taken into account when purchasing the car seat, as is the vehicle that the seat is keen to be used in.
The car seat is designed to be effective to both a maximum weight and a maximum height of the baby or infant. In any scenario where the child or baby exceeds either the weight or height, then the seat should not be used.
There are other options available for different sized babies infants and children and they should be investigated by way of different types of car seats, booster seats or other options available in terms of the type of vehicle or car being driven.
Peter Main is freelance writer who has spent almost twenty years in the insurance industry, working at Lloyd's of London. He writes extensively about car insurance and in particular about how understanding the various factors that affect any quote when given on cost comparison sites.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7432275
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