Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Developing a Consistantly Profitable Day Trading Strategy

So you want to develop a day trading system that will be consistently profitable? Given the volatility of today's market, creating an emini Trading System can be a very complex or simple task, the choice is yours. You can make it is complex or simple as you like. I believe in the KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) method.
The average individual does not have the knowledge, time or experience to create a useful and workable emini day trading system that is consistently profitable. It takes years to become a professional trader that can stand on their own two feet. And that's the short way there. Beware of the day trading course that tells you it is easy and promises to deliver a fool proof system or a piece of software that does all the thinking for you.
The fact is day trading courses can only be a guide to becoming successful. The actual success of the individual trader relies solely on their own shoulders. But wouldn't it be wise to have a look at somebody who has been able to make a go of it, and have become consistently successful as a day trader? And learn some of the lessons they needed to learn before they became successful.
If you took a group of successful traders and compared them you will find many of them share a lot of the same attributes. This is no coincidence. They all have strict rules in place around money management, risk management, pre-defined entry and exit prices, rules to deal with emotional risks whilst trading and they all have an excellent work ethic. They may all have different ideas and slightly different implementations of these key concepts, but successful traders have all addressed these areas before "success" arrived. These may sound like common sense most people don't do all of these and hence struggle to find consistency and success.
Consequently, the value of the day trading course is huge. Education on becoming a successful index trader and going it solo can be very time-consuming. Don't be fooled into thinking that you can't make a significant loss through an emini trading system, because it's the individual who is in control, and if they haven't taken advantage of a day trading course, they can miss out on learning the importance of some simple key factors that's that make the difference between success and failure.
Added to the mix are the emotions of fear and greed which can have a negative impact on the novice trader, because in day to day life, these emotions are rarely experienced. What's the answer to all of this?
Education. Fear usually comes from the unknown; education is the best way to deal with fear. Hence the enrolment in a day trading course. It builds confidence, allows for failure without repercussions (through simulated trading) and teaches you more about yourself and your psychology than almost anything else.
The way I see it you can go about educating yourself in 2 ways. The first is trial and error.

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